
Showing posts from October, 2021

Windows GDAL Installation in Python Django Project

 First Download the gdal wheel from  here now pip install the gdal in env jus like normally also install psycopg2 and pscopg2-binary add postgres database to the settings if the liberror then add the version in django contrib gis gdal add to lib_name get the verison of dll from sitescrips osgeo,  add the path into ypur settings import   os if   os . name  ==  'nt' :      VENV_BASE  =  os . environ [ 'VIRTUAL_ENV' ]      os . environ [ 'PATH' ] =  os . path . join ( VENV_BASE ,  'Lib \\ site-packages \\ osgeo' ) +  ';'  +  os . environ [ 'PATH' ]      os . environ [ 'PROJ_LIB' ] =  os . path . join ( VENV_BASE ,  'Lib \\ site-packages \\ osgeo \\ data \\ proj' ) +  ';'  +  os . environ [ 'PATH' ]